


I had bought this recipe book entitled "the Great Malaysian Breakfast" by Zakiah Hanum many years ago and still refers to it for some good breakfast recipes, and one of my favourites is this so good so perfect Apam Tepung Beras (Rice Flour Apam).  I used to do these pretty pink apams often those days when both my late parents in-law were around because my late mother in-law especially loved them.  She would prepare the "Tapai Nasi" (fermented rice) beforehand for me to do these for her and of course I was always glad to do for her because these apams would be enjoyed by everybody at home.  Alhamdullillah.

"Tapai Nasi" is one of the main ingredients in order to make these cute apams.  It is a mixture of cold cooked rice with two pieces yeast (white in colour in small blocks) which can be purchased in the markets or any sundry shops. The yeasts are crushed and mixed well with the cold cooked rice which are then kept in a dark place for 2 or 3 days until they mature and are ready for use.

If you feel like making your own Apams, you can try this recipe which has become my family's favourite because they are really good.  I have done them on numerous occasions and they never failed me. 

Happy cooking and happy trying.

RICE FLOUR APAM by Zakiah Hanum


  • 4 1/2 cups rice flour
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 cups cold rice
  • 2 packets Eno
  • 3 pieces yeast


  1. Crush yeast and mix well with cold rice.  Place in a container and keep a day or two until well fermented.
  2. Mix rice with sugar, rice flour and water and blend to a smooth paste/batter.  
  3. Put aside for 6 hours.
  4. Add Eno powder to the  mixture and stir well for a while .
  5. Heat steamer and place apam bowls on steamer plate.
  6. Pour mixture into bowls, filling 3/4 of bowls.  Close steamer and steam until apam is cooked and well risen.
  7. Served with grated coconut (mixed a some salt)

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